Tuesday, April 25, 2006

kramer crash-in


Yesterday I joined Ivan in gathering our goods to bring upstairs to Adam's - we were going to watch 24. As Ivan looked like he was in a rush, I grabbed the bottle of Lindemans and the box of ice cream and we ran anxiously out the door.

As Ivan ran up the first flight, he said

I forgot my shoes!

and he did a rewind as he ran backwards and back into the apartment. I waited a little until he came back into the hall and proceeded to opened Adam's door and stumble into his apartment and into his living room, where he wasn't sitting.

When I turned around to see Ivan standing in Adam's doorway, he asked me
Did you knock?!?
as Adam came our of one of the bedrooms in the back and started laughing at us.

Our building is becoming more and more Seinfeld-ish and this is my public appology: Sorry for pulling a Kramer!


noel said...

are you sure you don't mean:
"i grabbed the box of wine"

Shaman8933 said...

what are you trying to imply! hehe...