Thursday, March 09, 2006

What's [Gross] in My Cup: wrongodongo & cataldi madonna

Today, wrongodongo was discovered to be on its way out.

It was actually pretty good while it lasted. What do you think that's suppose to be on that cartoon's head?
That's rediculous.

This one from Italy was really good but was way on its way out the next day...forgot to cork it. I blame the director of suspicious activity for not mitigating this risk of gross intoxication.

He reportedly was "way too busy" with operation power failure.

1 comment:

Shaman8933 said...

the wongo dongo was red and the madonna one was white...there's a wine tasting in that elk's? club on Hoboken on April 5 for $50....we're thinking about going if you're intersted! =) I'll let you know if we decide to go! =)