Before much time goes by, I need to give the weekend update.
Thursday we got throught the list this time at the Verve! We went to their wine tasting with a few friends from work. It was a lot of fun and we stayed there later then we ever have stayed there before.

Saturday I slept in and it felt great. I can't remember the last time I just slept because I could. Saturday evening we went to the Alfonso's Medical School Graduation party, a friend that I've known from college. I can't believe 4 years went by so fast! On our way there we went accidentally went on the express lane on the NJTPK and we missed our exit. So then we tried to get off the same exit going in the opposite direction, but that side seemed to have skipped that exit. So frustrating...we pretty much went all the way back to get back on the other side to get of the right exit. That part of the NJTPK is very poorly labeled, by the way. I think I need to invest in a GPS or something. A ride that should have taken 20 minutes ended up taking twice as long...
Anyway, his mom managed to secure tents so that they could continue to have it ourdoors. It was a nice party and I don't think I knew anyone there besides him. We did however got into a really nice conversation with a family friend of his. We talked about everything from travel, sushi, colleges, music, etc. Another hightlight of the night was the jazz band. The guitarist said he remembered me from the Fonz' NYU Graduation party. I asked if they did requests and they did Tangerine for me! I love that song! Ivan also requested some songs and they played them too...I have to ask him again what they were. Sunday was a nice day too. We woke up early and went to the driving range in New Brunswick. I am not very good at golf but Ivan is pretty good though. I'd like to get better but Sunday proved to me that that will be after much trial and tribulation. Afterwards we drove around looking for the Short Hills Mall, we eventually found it and we got the The Office Special (British version). I really liked the last episode. This is such a funny series and such quick-witted humor. It seemed that the show started out so funny and there were parts of it that became more and more serious and kinda poignant. You should watch it if you get a chance - it's probably right up there with Arrested Development. We also got some maps for our vacation.
Later we went walking to Hoboken. It was a pretty nice day so we wanted to enjoy some of it before the weekend was up. I finally got a picture of some art/graffitti that appeared on one of the street nearby. What do you think it's suppose to be? I'll tell you what I think it is after you tell me - that way I don't lead anyone on.
We ended up watching a girl's softball game. It was a lot of fun to watch but we both couldn't figure out who that guy was on the field. It's an all-girls team and there's a boy wearing big jeans and a huge t-shirt. What's that all about? The other team also had an extra player between 1st and 2nd base...2 short stops perhaps?
Then I got an unexpected call from Loren and she invited us to a Vietnamese restaurant in JC!! It was one that she took me to a long time ago when she lived next door to me in college. Loren & Don met us by the park (Thanks guys!) and the ride to the restaurant in Loren's car can only be described in a picture:

Ahahahaha.....The food there was great! We had some trouble getting all the condensced milk out of our cups (as you can see from the picture), but once we did, we devoured the iced coffees.
When we left he restaurant it was pouring! Luckily, they drove us home too! Thanks again!!!! You guys are loads of fun and we are looking forward to the Sushi place too! ;-)
P.S. We kinda weren't expecting to see anyone we knew, which is why we looked so fluffy.