It's time we start changing things around here. Who needs a Senate that wastes their time deciding that English is our National Laguage? OR perhaps they are trying to rule out a large chunk of the voting population by eventually only having to print ballots in English?
Me thinks that would give an unfair advantage to a certain political party. The world is ruled by politicians with conflicting insterests.
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east 15th and broadway, right above the union square park subway entrance?
oh wait, off by one. park ave?
actually i'm interested to see how you feel on this whole illegal immigration issue. i asked my mom how she felt about this whole thing since it took like 20 years to get our entire clan here. i'm curious to see if it lines up with other first generationers' (yours) and other legal FOBS (LOREN) take on this whole debate.
It probably was by Union Sq. or on Broadway...
I think that the Gov't is just trying to generate revenue and this is the path they chose to go. I have known people who came here illegally and payed taxes and were never questioned. I think that they government should be focusing on those who are here and AREN'T working and are abusing the system. This country is founded on those trying to find a better life, and for many immigrants a better life is working multiple jobs to send money back home so that they can feed their families. Ideally it would be nice if this kinda stuff can be done all legally, but unless you know someone, you have to wait on a long line where people are always cutting you.
My question is.
1. What about the war?
2. What about Bin Laden?
3. What about New Orleans?
4. What about gas shortages/prices? Alternative Fuels?
There are many other issues that are of higher priority, and by higher priority I mean it 1. costs human lives and 2. is hurting our Economy and 3. our quality of life, as well as 4. our environment. I think it's all a decoy...
my parents (and i think the catholic church) had a similar perspective (but without the whole distraction thing). i'm of the opinion that such a perspective relies on machiavellin or "i meant well" logic, but if that's not inconsistent with your world view...
largely ignored in this debate i think are the employers who survive on illegal immigrants. if there weren't a demand for their labor, there wouldn't be such large forces pulling them here. i'm sure to some extent, the reasons americans don't want those agricultural jobs is because employers can exploit the unskilled, undocumented workforce with pay below minimum wage, without taxes, ss and the such. it'd be a different story once labour laws are enforced in a guest worker program.
as an economy, we'd either have to be prepared to pay $12 for an apple picked by an american, or create some useful mechanism for bringing in that workforce. H1B is for educated, and the unskilled caps are at ~5000 WORLDwide.
Yeah, I waswondering about that too. There are a lot of people taking advantage/profitting of illegal immigrants as cheap labor. If anything, they too are jsut as responsible for the illegal immigrant "problem". McD's will have to get rid of the $1 menu.
Perhaps the farmers should leave the apples on the trees and we can pick them ourselves! (YES!)
whether correct or incorrect, i seem to have a zero-sum perspective on macroeconomics. that is, while we're enjoying $1 filet of fish fridays, a fisherman in thailand is gettin screwed. so for cheap work, i propose we turn NOT to undeverdeveloped nations, but back to the real staple of cheap labour: CHILDREN!
i mean...they were gonna be picking apples on their field trip anyway...
HAHAHAH! Who will pay for that insurace? We can advertise it as a day care center where the kids get to run through beautiful fields...we'll make them pinkey swear not to tell.
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