So I always wondered what it would be like to be famous and get "spotted" until it happened one day and I'll tell you where: it was in a Vampire Store in San Francisco. It may have been the head of Philippe peaking out of my sweater, but I was recognized for having been one of the top runner-ups from an Achewood photo contest.
The girl was even able to recite what Chris captioned under my picture. I also must mention that I walked all over Halifax looking for this place called "The Snug" because I thought that was the neatest name evar and I wanted a picture of us standing in front of it. It is 110% something Philippe would do and I was actually turned-on to the comic because someone in college (who read it at the time) said the otter reminded him of me.
Don't you just love pointless adventures!
you are a pointless adventure!
the point is to survive
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